Everything You Need To Know for Virtual Family Reading Night
November 18, 2021 6:30-7:30pm
Families, we are so excited for you to join us virtually for Family Reading Night. Below is all the information you need to join in on the fun! In order to best experience the colorful fun, we suggest that families use a tablet or computer for the event. Supply bags are out for delivery, so you should have everything you need to participate in the event.
There are three different sessions when activities will start. Families can choose their own adventure, attending any activity during a session. In order to have an enjoyable experience, families may not be admitted to the zoom more than 10 minutes late. Our stories and activities need the allotted amount of time to participate. If you’re running late, there’s a waiting room with stories to listen to while you wait for the next session to begin!
Session 1-6:30-6:50
Session 2-6:50-7:10
Session 3-7:10-7:30
How do I get into the live activity?
You’ll start by accessing our Virtual Reading Night Site: https://www.canva.com/design/DAEsE8AZNQM/dnTmZtJsvF9U_0ZGuft5dA/view?utm_content=DAEsE8AZNQM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=sharebutton#1