Greetings Rondout Families and Friends,
While we are working through the challenges related to COVID19, we continue to be inspired by our collective commitment to excellence which drives our professional practice. Throughout this past year, we have been successful in sustaining a safe environment grounded in the protocols and recommendations of the experts in public health. Our mitigation efforts have been extensive and have allowed us to maintain full-time in-person learning during the entire school year.
Providing a well-rounded experience is our goal at Rondout. The emphasis on academic skills, life skills and the arts empowers students to experience and achieve life success. Building the capacity to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, and engaged citizens is a top priority.
With a strong program that considers the needs of the whole child, Rondout personalizes each child’s experience in preparation for life in a rapidly changing world. Teaching content is no longer enough to prepare students for life success. Cultivating students’ creativity, problem solving and imagination are key drivers in our work with children each day. Through your on-going feedback and engagement, your partnership as parents continues to be an essential component in the educational equation. Your engagement during the time of COVID19 has played an even more critical role in that partnership.
Our veteran faculty and staff are on a journey of continuous reflection and professional development. We integrate the latest research and educational knowledge to guide our practice. The research on best practices in the academic content areas coupled with recent neuroscientific discoveries regarding cognition, mindsets and executive functioning is used to keep our educational program relevant, challenging and strong.
We are dedicated to providing each child with a rich and robust learning experience strengthened by the healthy partnership between home and school allowing us to support the “growing hearts and minds” of our students. We invite you to stay in touch, keep involved and join us on our learning journey this year.
Best regards,
Dr. Jenny Wojcik